Thursday, August 30, 2012

I was just watching some Rachael Ray this afternoon. She was cooking up a modern day tuna surprise, or as she called it, a grown-up version that includes mushrooms, and wine and all kinds of stuff. I guess I haven't watched many cooking shows before, or maybe it just happens with heres, but as she was naming some of the ingredients - tarragon for example, the audience started applauding.
     Now was the crowd really that excited about tarragon? It's a fine spice and I've used it in some of my amateur cooking, but I never thought about applauding it. Maybe the crowd was still giddy about the use of wine (which as I recall also drew applause). MAybe they were just tickled to se RR in person
   And now a disconnected thought. RR is the same initials of the character played nby the late Gildna Radner Roseanne Roseanandanna.
   Is it right to applaud the mention of spices and ingredients at a food cooking show? Is it wrong? What am I missing. On by the way, I made homemade bread today, and one of the ingredients was brown sugar. Yes, thank you. I hear your applause.

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