Friday, September 28, 2012

Several weeks ago, I went to the Social Security Office in Hannibal. there is a guard that my be armed that is a buffer for the people the customer wants to talk to. Somewhat intimidating. But a curious things were three photos one the wall.
    One photo was President Obama. I understand his photo and why it is there. One was Vice PResident Biden. I don't understand why his photo was there. One was another guy, whom I presume is the executive big-wig of the Soicla Security Administration. There was no identification on any of the photos and little else on the wall, except a few SSA notices, as I recall.
     I wonder, how many people wonder who the unidentified photo is. I wonder how many people recognize the Vice-PResident. I wonder if anyone doesn't recognize the PResident. I wonder why there are no names to identify, unless of course, paper with the names and offices typed costs too much in this pale economy.
     I also wonder why federal offices feel the need to put photos of the top people. That surely isn't an inexpensive effort, because after all this is the federal government of which we talk.
     I also wonder why there was no phtot - apparently - of the local head haunch, any of the employees, or the armed guard. Funny world.

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