Friday, September 28, 2012

Several weeks ago, I went to the Social Security Office in Hannibal. there is a guard that my be armed that is a buffer for the people the customer wants to talk to. Somewhat intimidating. But a curious things were three photos one the wall.
    One photo was President Obama. I understand his photo and why it is there. One was Vice PResident Biden. I don't understand why his photo was there. One was another guy, whom I presume is the executive big-wig of the Soicla Security Administration. There was no identification on any of the photos and little else on the wall, except a few SSA notices, as I recall.
     I wonder, how many people wonder who the unidentified photo is. I wonder how many people recognize the Vice-PResident. I wonder if anyone doesn't recognize the PResident. I wonder why there are no names to identify, unless of course, paper with the names and offices typed costs too much in this pale economy.
     I also wonder why federal offices feel the need to put photos of the top people. That surely isn't an inexpensive effort, because after all this is the federal government of which we talk.
     I also wonder why there was no phtot - apparently - of the local head haunch, any of the employees, or the armed guard. Funny world.

Friday, September 14, 2012

I know Britain's Royal family live life in the proverbial fishbowl, but it seems there seems to be a royal history of notables in the family keeping clothing on in public. The latest is Kate, preceded by her brother-in-lawHarry just a few weeks earlier, preceded by Princess Di years ago. Wasn't there royalty tie Fergie that also had some problem with at least partial public nudity?
   Maybe instead of spending time learning the right wave and stuff, they ought to have a course reviewing the snaps, zippers and fasteners of clothing and instructions on how to properly use them.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

     It seems to reason that when the new health care plan is fully implemented, there will be some arbitrary decisions. I dare say certain sick or elderly people will only get the care determined by a yet unknown part, because, after all, these are the ones it costs the most to treat. Sarah Palin was chastised for pointing out "death panels" but how can it not be something like this?
     It seems there is a similar bias going on now in the world, and many companies would deny it. There is blatant age discrimination in job hunts, but proving it is almost futile. Companies want younger, more tech savvy people who theoretically will cost a company less. But often, they don't ask what a 50+ person would want in a salary.
     Surely those of us over 50 have much to offer - experience, contacts, etc., but the options for us who bear the label "older" are limited at best. The trick is convincing companies first they ARE discriminating and there are good, employable people who can help their business.
      It's amazing how God works in our lives. I've been on the career hunt for many months now, trying to find myself. Although I'm still a ways from nailing down the next career choice, God has given me a vision, that while vague, ironically gives me a direction to pray. Right now I'm writing down the brief vision and developing thoughts as if to advise others on what God is doing in this vision.
 I realize that the one being advised at present is me.
       For now, I'll keep the details of the vision to myself, and perhaps a select few. The vision is one that shows open-ended potential and as I'll be praying to see how to best fill and fulfill the potential God wants me to use.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

What will it take to wake people up? There is wide-spread drought in the country - post-Isaac rains notwithstanding. There have been numerous serious wildfires. Last year there were several serious tornadoes. There always seems to be an earthquake somewhere, which sometimes also brings a devastating tsunami.
    Outside of these disasters, there are world-wide economic problems, and solid values that are being changed.
     Folks, God is trying to get our attention. He's calling for us to repent from our wayward ways and turn to His holy ways. God is patient and forgiving, but his patience will only last so long. Don't test it to see how long it will last. Turn to God's leadership and eternal hope in Jesus Christ before it's too late.
    Unfortuantely, things can - and according to the Bible - will get worse. Now is the time to secure a future with God.